Howdy! Welcome to My Website :]
I'm Icarus, but my username almost everywhere is MeowjesticCatz. I'm a minor, so don't be weird. I speak a little Greek, but not quite enough to fully carry a conversation-- open to practice! Nice to meet you!
I'm mostly experimenting on here, I wanna learn how to make my own site one day to host a ton of stuff on it, but for now I'll use this as a jumping off point to other locations of my stuff. I'm very much an ameteur coder, but I think code looks like a ton of fun.
Some of my interests:
- Lichen (I could talk for a LONG time about this)
- Mycology (I don't know a lot about the nitty-gritty for how fungus works, but I know a fair bit! I reallywant to work with this or lichen photobiology as a career.)
- Foraging
- Geology, rocks are really cool! I'd study this as a career but I'm more interested other stuff-- maybe a minor degree, if it works out.
- Animation and art. I do a variety of stuff, and I should have some sort of digital gallery up eventually!
- Knitting and other fiber work. I mostly do this in class.